
1. I live near Spring Green, Wisconsin.

2. I am the president of the Lucy Burns Institute, which publishes Ballotpedia.

3.  These are some of my most entertaining memories.

4.  I co-wrote “Is Indeterminism the Source of the Statistical Character of Evolutionary Theory?” with Barbara Horan and Alex Rosenberg in 1999.  

5.  I have three children and seven grandchildren. I’m married to Eric O’Keefe.

6.  With some friends, I started the Lucy Burns Institute in December 2006.

7.  I wrote Transgressive Traditions and Art Definitions back in 1998.

8.  I volunteer with the Rachel’s Vineyard weekend ministry sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Madison. I wrote an article on healing years ago and still hear from many women, and some men.

9.  The producers of the Emmy-award winning 30-second candidate wanted to film a person preparing an ad and they ended up with me.